Program Overview

The Community Leadership Program combines content-driven workshops that lead into the practical application of leadership concepts during a three-day Reading Week community project experience. Participants in the program will have the opportunity to focus on the following areas:

Enhancing leadership: You will develop an understanding of your strengths as you grow into a leadership role

Learn to lead and develop a team: You will leverage your own strengths as you lead a team, and learn how to support your team (UBC students volunteering with Reading Week projects) in their own strengths and leadership development.

Practical project management: You will develop a Reading Week project and learn how to thrive in a complex community setting with multiple stakeholders and evolving parameters.

Explore the components that make up a community: You will discover how to build community within your project team, as well as developing relationships with community project partners (such as schools and non-profit organizations).

Program Components and Participant Investment

The program delivers the following workshops and sessions:

  • Four one-day interactive workshops and two two-hour sessions between October and January
  • Self-directed project planning (approximately 20-35 hours) between November and February
  • A UBC Reading Week Community Service Learning Project: planning begins in November, with projects delivered over three full days in February; and
  • A program wrap-up and reflection session held in March.

Approximate total time commitment: 80-100 hours.

See the 2019-20 program calendar for the dates and time investment details.